Looking for a Fake Polygraph US?
Although our $60 certificates are identical to a real polygraph result, it may not always provide the necessary back up required to convince your partner you have taken a test. That is why we have created a range of bespoke options, suited to your particular circumstance, which is sure to convince them.
Bespoke Fake Polygraph – Option 1 ($300)
Our bespoke option replicates the booking process for a real polygraph examination. We take the same payment as a real exam, provide official correspondance, pre-examinations forms and company branded documentation for you to sign. This option covers every element of the pre- and post- examination processes, without the need to take the actual exam.
This option entails booking a polygraph examination with one of my real polygraph companies. The selected real polygraph company will offer polygraph examinations in your local city.
For the official correspondance with our real polygraph company, you can choose your email, your partners email, or a joint email account which you both have access to. The process starts by our real polygraph company sending you an email thanking you for your enquiry and confirming our availability in your selected location, date and time.
As we are using a real polygraph company to conduct the test, your partner is able to call or email our team to discuss any questions both before and after the examination. Quote Fake polygraph US when calling our team.
To find out the full details, or place an order, please email info@fakeliedetectortest.com or call a member of our team.
Total Cost: $300
Visit our sister company, Fake Polygraph.