Bespoke Fake Polygraph
Although our $60 / £45 certificates are identical to a real polygraph result, it may not always provide the necessary back up required to convince your partner you have taken a test.
Bespoke Fake Polygraph ($300 / £250)
Our Bespoke Polygraph option replicates the booking process of a real polygraph examination.
We send a series of emails setting up the examination, collect the same payment as a real polygraph exam, send a link to complete our company branded Terms & Conditions and Medical Questionnaire, send you an email confirming the examination and full address details, send you a secret “What Happened on the Day” email, and finally send your polygraph report 2 hours from the “examination end” to replicate the timeline of a real examination.
We can even speak with your partner on the phone or by email before the exam to answer any questions they have or to confirm the questions they want the examiner to ask.
All emails, documentation and phone calls originate from our Real Polygraph Company. The payment on your card/bank statement shows the real polygraph company name.
Decided this option is for you? Complete the order form below.
Shortly after submitting your order, our Real Polygraph Company will send you an email, thanking you for your “earlier phone enquiry” and confirming the examiners availability on your selected date and time.